Monday, August 30, 2010

Who Profits from Change the Most?

Killingsworth seems to view technology more as a hostile takeover and less as empowerment (Killingsworth 172). It is ironic that he seems to point to how much we lose ("The development of new technologies and techniques follows the sad but ever-binding law of compensation. In every new communication intiative, something is lost along with what is gained.") yet he supports the testing of ideas. Testing of new ideas leads to change but he seems to be warning of change.

If Killingsworth is right, and technology benefits big business more than the people, then are we headed for a future controlled by Apple, Facebook and AT&T? Perhaps we have always been controlled by corporate greed. I don't want to become a deer-in-the-headlights consumer of iWhatevers.


Killingsworth, M. Jimmie. Technical communication in the 21st century: Where are we going? Technical Communication Quarterly. 8.2 (2000): 165-174.

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