Saturday, November 6, 2010

Capabilities and Roles of Enterprise Wikis in Organization Communication

Wagner, Christian, and Andreas Schroeder. 2010. "Capabilities and Roles of Enterprise Wikis in Organizational Communication." Technical Communication 57, no. 1: 68-89. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed November 6, 2010).

This is an article published in 2010. The audience is technical communicators. The author states that wiki technology is "an emerging new medium that allows dispersed groups to create shared content via collaborative editing and different-time communication."

The author points to the "refactoring capability of wikis" - "that enables new forms of collaboration and communication".

The author cautions that organizations considering implementation of a wiki should consider the human component - including "free-riding, or conflict of values."

Search Terms
Business Communication
Collaborative Writing
Content refactoring (there is only one article under this term)
Media capability

More under Collaborative Writing:
Wikis: What students do and do not do when writing collaboratively.

Meishar-Tal, Hagit, and Paul Gorsky. 2010. "Wikis: what students do and do not do when writing collaboratively." Open Learning 25, no. 1: 25-35. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed November 6, 2010).

This is the report of a study where students built a wiki glossary. The researchers used certain actions when watching the students' actions. The findings were that students are more likely to add than delete content, and were likely to edit content as well. The researchers focused their efforts on providing teachers with information about how students use wikis to collaborate.

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